Quick Clubfoot Facts

  • Talipes equinovarus, or Clubfoot, is a foot irregularity which can impact both feet (bilateral) or impact only one foot (unilateral).

  • Clubfoot can be categorized (labeled as they relate to the cause) into three different types: idiopathic, neurogenic, or syndromic.

  • Without treatment, a child born with clubfoot CANNOT walk, run, or use their feet normally.
  • Fortunately, with treatment, a child born with clubfoot CAN walk, run, and use their feet just like normal.
  • Clubfoot, or talipes equinovarus, is a treatable birth defect that affects approximately 150,000-200,000 children each year (Ponseti.info).

  • Nearly 80% of children born with congenital clubfoot birth defect are born in developing countries. Their families lack the funds to pay for an effective clubfoot brace (ClubfootSolutions).

  • 2 million children live with the pain and stigma of untreated clubfoot, a condition that affects at least 1 in 700 globally (MiracleFeet).

  • Dr. Ignacio Ponseti developed a method for treating clubfoot that… …is 95+% effective and it is the most cost effective treatment with no side effects.” (Ponseti.info)